I knew the day would come when I would be able to photograph Myles with his sweet face squished up against a glass window, blowing bubbles, but I didn't expect it at a year and a half!
Here he is cheesing at the camera for me
He started to climb inside the door of our entertainment center and I asked him what he was doing.
The next few pictures answered my question for me
He's smiling here because we were playing rock band and....
.....he thought it was funny we were coming after him with the drum stick
Trying to bite the stick through the glass
Myles in Grandpa Earley's shoes. He tried to walk around but he couldn't even lift the shoes off the ground!
His guilty face
He likes to put his legs under the carpet like it's a blanket
Frank was laying on the ground and Myles walked over and stood right over his head like he was going to sit on him or something.....
.....I don't always like being right! :D At least he wasn't poopy!
Myles had thrown some balls behind the couch and went after them. This was the result. He was crying at us to get him out until he saw the camera, then he did his cheesy grin. What can I say? I have trained him well! Oh, and then he went right back to crying!
I went to check on Myles before going to bed like I always do, but this time my sleeping toddler just didn't look quite right.....He had pulled his pajama shirt over his head and then got stuck!
Myles rarely falls asleep without seclusion and confinement to his bed, but he stayed up late and got up early this day so after lunch we were cuddled up on the couch and he just zonked! Too cute and very refreshing to have a sleeping babe in my arms!
Everyday is such an adventure with this sweet boy of mine! It is like he has been here forever and I have a hard time imagining how I survived without Frank and Myles to look forward to everyday!
Soo cute. He's going to enjoy looking at these pictures when he gets older. :)
Love the guilty face! And isn't it wonderful when they do cuddle and fall asleep on us! Laura doesn't do it very often, but when it happens I LOVE it!
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