Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Valentine's Day and more

Sooo much has been keeping us busy the last two weeks! They started with a fun, lazy, watch T.V. morning.

Then, it turned into an exceptionally warm day so we went to the park and Myles enjoyed some time laughing with Dad and his long lost friend, the swing.

The weekend before Valentine's Day my sister, Liz, and her fiance, Isaac, came down to babysit so we could go on an actual Valentines' Day date. We decided to be SUPER spontaneous (haha) and went to see a movie: The Vow. It's based on a true story which makes it even better, but it was the perfect Valentine's Date movie because it makes you appreciate your significant other and cherish all your memories even more.

We had some time to kill while we were at the mall so we walked around "window shopping", but we found the COOLEST thing for Myles and it was only five bucks!!! So, when we got home we gave him his Valentine's present from mom and dad.

Don't worry, it's not just a mini Buzz Lightyear bag we got for $5, it's also the backpack on him. He loves it and puts all of his Toy Story toys in it. We felt bad leaving M'Ree out, but we found a sweet deal on diapers recently and spent quite a bit more than five dollars stocking up, but he appreciates them even if he doesn't realize it I'm sure.

On Valentine's Day I took Myles and M'Ree to a Valentine's Day party one of the mom's on the block threw. Myles got to decorate cookies which he was very excited about as you can see. And if you can't tell, his shirt says my mommy is my valentine :D. I was so excited this shirt fit him two years in a row!

He tried to eat them before we even got the frosting out, but I had him wait long enough to decorate them so I could get pictures of the finished products.

Finally getting to eat them!

M'Ree and our neighbors son Andrew had fun hanging out too. M'Ree is on the right.

The friday after Valentine's Day, we went to Sally (Frank's sister) and Jeff's (her hubby) house to hang out because Frank's sister, Katrina, and her family had driven in from Oklahoma for their Grandma's 90th birthday. His other sister, Rachel, two of her 4 kids, Ashlyn and Devan, and one of his brothers, Leonard, and his family also came down. It was awesome to have 4 of his 8 siblings together and it went by way to quickly. The next day we all went to Grandma Mary's birthday party and had a blast with Frank's family. Sally took lots of pictures on Friday and Saturday, so sorry I don't have any, but I did get one good one of Myles that I just couldn't pass up.

After Frank's grandma's birthday party we headed to Bear Lake for my grandma's birthday party, crazy, I know. We spent the weekend with them and even got to see my aunt Rebecca and her family which was great for Myles since they have a 3 yr old daughter who he got to play with. He also found a "toy" he was particularly fond of at great grandma and grandpa's house and I was lucky enough to get a video of him so you can all get a laugh out of it too.

On Monday night we went to Crystal Hot Springs and met up with some more of my aunts and uncles to celebrate my grandma's birthday. It was so nice to see everyone who came and so relaxing to sit in the nice, warm, springs. Myles has been asking to swim everyday since we went and I don't blame him; I've been wanting to go back too! Luckily one of my aunts had an extra pair of arm floaties and once he got the hang of moving his arms and kicking we had a hard time keeping track of him!

Our weeks are busy even without all our fun activities. Frank has been job hunting and attending his one class of the semester. He has had a few interviews, but when they find out we will only be here a few more months I guess it makes sense he hasn't been hired on anywhere yet. However, it has been such a help to have him home so much to watch the boys while I have been busy going to physical therapy for my shoulder three times a week, massage therapy for my shoulder 2 times a week and going to the chiropractor for the left side of my body 2 times a week. The hope is that all of these steps will help my shoulder heal on its own if it can. It has sure been taxing on my body energy-wise with all my shoulder goes through each week plus nursing, but it will be so worth it if I can avoid surgery altogether since I'm sure recovery from that will be much worse than what I'm experiencing now. I'm also feeling extra beaten down since I got an awful flu of some kind that hit me while we were at my grandparents house. At first I thought it was just allergies, but on the way home I started getting the chills along with my headache and sinus pressure, but I'm pretty sure my fever has broken now and I'm feeling a ton better today. Hopefully no one else gets it. We have also officially decided where Frank will attend law school:

Creighton in Omaha, Nebraska! We are so excited for a change, but sad to leave our family and friends here in the West. Frank was offered a 1/2 tuition scholarship and may get more funding after he applies for other scholarships given through those who sponsor Creighton since it is a private school. The boys have both been doing great just growing, thriving and loving life. M'Ree is probably loving life less since he is finally reacting well to tummy time. Up until this week he was more angry if he was on his back than if he was on his tummy. We've also noticed his hair is getting lighter all the time so we may have a little blondie unless his hair keeps falling out, then we'll have a baldie. He also gets comments all the time about how long his fingers and his overall length are. And Myles is as happy and energetic as ever! It's harder to notice the changes taking place in him, but his sentences are better formed and more understandable all the time. Here are a few pictures of them.

All smiles. One of M'Ree's first!

I thought this was so great! haha

1 comment:

Erica & Benjamin said...

Oh my gosh, I was honestly laughing out loud during the video of Myles on the vibrating thingy. Seriously. Awesome!!!!! I'm glad to hear you guys are doing well! I'm bummed you guys'll be in Nebraska instead of Oklahoma, but at least we'll be close enough to see each other some times :) MIss you, pretty girl!