Myles and I spent the break sick. Frank and I celebrated our 3rd anniversary and I broke my radius in two different places snowboarding on New Year's Eve. Welcome 2011? Well, it got even better for us. Frank started the new semester of school then got his LSAT score back and decided he would like to take it again in February.
Our first week of February was spent in the hospital as Myles battled Bronchiolitis and a partially collapsed lung :/ Two weeks after getting out of the hospital puts us at present day and Frank has taken the LSAT again, Myles and I have another virus AND Myles had an allergy reaction this week to some spoonfuls of peanut butter. His face was covered in hives, his poor eyes were swollen shut and his upper lip got red and swollen too. In conclusion, we would rather have an eventless year than one as exciting as the last three months have been for our family! I might add that Frank has and AMAZING immune system as he has avoided all 3 viruses Myles and I have gotten. Apparently lots of fruits and veggies really does work wonders because that is the only difference between Myles and I and Frank. I can't even express how excited I am for warm weather! I used to think winter was my least favorite season because of the cold and ice and bad weather. Now I know it is because winter has a whole new meaning when you and your one year old are sick for months! So, I am beyond ready for cold (burrrrr and sickness!) season to be over! I have been joking with Frank that I want to go to law school where it is warm year round.....not a joke anymore!!!!!! I am really excited for the rest of the month and on though. I have finally found what it takes to be organized as a mother, wife and business woman so I am once again ready to run with my Mary Kay business! Frank is really excited he won't have to take the LSAT again until June assuming he didn't ace it Saturday! :D With the kind of stress that test brings I hope there won't be another time he needs to take the LSAT!
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